Extra produce to donate?

Download the app to share your homegrown produce!

Building Community

Community Gardens are a crucial shared resource in their communities.

Whether Community Gardeners donate their produce to prevent food waste, to intentionally support local food access work, and/or to build their garden’s sense of community and impact, sharing their produce for hunger relief is a meaningful way to give back. 

Fresh Food Connect simplifies the process by:

  • Connecting you / your Community Garden directly with a local hunger relief organization
  • Tracking your impact throughout the year, so you can quickly and accurately see the difference your garden is making in your community!
Community Gardeners from HarvestShare Maryland

Start a sharing program at your community garden. 

Our free Community Garden Giving Kit includes:

  • Setup guide
  • Printable garden donation signs
  • BONUS: What to Grow for Donation mini-guide


VIDEO: Setting up a Sharing Program

Fresh Food Connect's Laura Lavid on how to set up a sharing program at your Community Garden
Laura   dug community garden presentation thumbnail

From Seed to Donation

How one community garden in Denver shares their garden bounty in their immediate community

Harvesting for Donation

Golden rules for harvesting your garden bounty
Rosemary, fennel, mint and oregano 2 mgdsn

Top 5 vegetables requested by hunger relief organizations

…and how to grow them!
Tomatoes 16x9

Planning a Giving Garden

What to consider when planting to give
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