G.N.O.M.E. chat: Brandee B.

published on 31 July 2024

Meet a G.N.O.M.E. donating homegrown produce in Highlands Ranch, CO

Our Giving GNOMEs may have different approaches to gardening, but they all agree that Growing Nutritious and Outrageously-fresh Meals for Everyone is a meaningful way to give back to their communities. We're highlighting a few of their stories.  

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    Brandee donates her homegrown produce to the community through SECOR Cares
    Brandee donates her homegrown produce to the community through SECOR Cares

"Growing food also grows community in my experience so it’s a win-win."

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1. In 2-3 sentences, tell us a little about you and your garden.

Tiny but mighty home garden in containers where I rent. It’s been a challenge and a delight to see what I can do with what is available to me. I do mostly herbs and the easy peasy guaranteed growers like zukes, cukes, onions, & toms. Grateful for the nutrition & unique fun of each plant variety!

2. What motivates you to grow and share your homegrown produce?

Growing food also grows community in my experience so it’s a win-win... The outcomes of the whole process are healthy food for self & others, healthy friendships, sharing knowledge & skill building together, independence from risky food/government systems, sunshine, creature connection, and so much more. Can’t beat it as wise action goes!

3. Tell us about your proudest gardening moment.

The day I grew a 10’ sunflower…in a pot lol. As a kiddo, I’d dreamt of fields of those all smiling at me. Then finally I had the chance to grow one mammoth of my very own to stand under and smile back at :D 

4. What garden tool can you not live without?

Repurposing old tree branches as stakes. Gosh, you know you’ll need some during growing season so why not collect and set aside a bundle throughout the year. They come in handy for so much more too, fencing, quick hole dig, hammering, etc.

5. What piece of advice would you give a beginning gardener?

Just start. Sure, do a little research and ask around a bit but then just start. You’ll learn as you do, and that’s a really connective piece and part of the joy of this process!

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